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BOE Member George Runner

Who are the “non-violent”offenders that federal judges want to release?

As you have probably read, a panel of federal judges tentatively ruled to release tens of thousands of California prisoners before their time is served. The liberal judges claim that the prisoners are non-serious and non-violent offenders,and thus won’t present a problem to public safety.

Here’s a look at the offenses that count as non-serious and non-violent:

• Human trafficking
• Child abuse likely to produce great bodily injury
• Stalking
• Solicitation to commit murder or a designated sexual assault
• Taking a hostage to prevent arrest or as a shield
• Selling, offering for sale, or transporting a destructive device
• Possessing components with intent to make destructive device
• Possession, development, manufacture, production, transfer, acquisition, or retention of a weapon of mass destruction
• Threatening to use a weapon of mass destruction
• Possessing restricted biological agents
• Exploding a destructive device to terrorize
• Elder abuse
• Manufacture or sale of drugs even while armed with a firearm
• Burglary in which the defendant is armed with a deadly weapon or assaults any person
• Felon in possession of a firearm
• Assault with a deadly weapon (not a firearm)
• Serious and violent offenses pled down (e.g. rape to assault, robbery to larceny)
• Known gang activity including activity with prison gangs (not convicted of Step Act violations)

Source: California penal code