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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Whitman’s First Interview As A Candidate Goes To…

No… It wasn’t us.  It was the Los Angeles Times (or as former Congressman Chris Cox like to refer to them, Pravda West).

Breaking her long self-imposed silence on many state policy issues while she was "considering" a run for Governor, Meg Whitman, now officially a candidate, gave an interview to Michael Finnigan with the Los Angeles Times.  The interview is worth reading, although I must admit that after reading it with the idea that an interview might actually clear up a lot of the "mystery" surrounding Whitman and her positions on major issues of the day.  Instead, I found that the interview left me with a lot of questions.

I have my own request into the Whitman campaign talk with the ersatz Governor, and haven’t heard back yet.  I actually had assumed that Whitman was not doing interviews, yet.  Clearly she wanted to give an exclusive "first interview as a candidate" to a major California newspaper.  Conservative blogger interviews are somewhere down the journalistic food chain.

**There is more – click the link**

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One Response to “Today’s Commentary: Whitman’s First Interview As A Candidate Goes To…”

  1. Says:

    There you go again, Jon. “…there is certainly a higher appeal for me now to candidates that are already proven in some way. I think that this will be a big challenge for the relative newcomer to the political process (both on the front end, as a candidate, and on the back end, as a voter).” Does this mean that you would not have voted for Ronald Reagan when he ran for governor with no elective experience?