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Jon Fleischman

Big 5 Has A “Deal” – But It’s Not Over

The Sacramento Bee has sent out an alert saying that there is a budget deal.  What does this mean?  I guess we’ll find out.  But I am troubled because the theory is that any "deal" means Republicans "blessing" massive tax increases.  If you think taxes are a bad idea, NOW is the time to call your Republican Senator and Assemblymember. 

The dynamic of a "deal" is that the Big 5 members agree to take a product to their respective caucuses.  Billions of dollars in tax increases should be a "work product" soundly rejected by the Senate and Assembly Caucuses.

Republicans cannot afford the damage to our brand name that comes with being the facilitators of a massive tax increase.  We’ll lose seats next year for sure, don’t you think?

2 Responses to “Big 5 Has A “Deal” – But It’s Not Over”

  1. Says:

    Wow….It looks like Lassie and Rin Tin Tin and Rex The Wonderdog are rolling all over the place…roll roll roll frolic and then roll some again…

    Republicans are great at rolling over…how are we going to pay all these taxes, expand business, hire employees…..oh my!!!!

  2. Says:

    I sense a tax revolt at hand if this so called deal has any new taxes.