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Jon Fleischman

Speedy Recovery Congressman Campbell!

Late last week, Congressman Campbell shared that he was undergoing major surgery….

I have had gastrointestinal issues since I had a bad bleeding ulcer at age 29. My stomach area is somewhat defective. In the last 8 years, I have struggled with an intestinal condition known as diverticulitis, and this condition has gotten considerably worse during the last 12 months. It is very curable, but only with surgery, in which they remove the defective part of your colon. On the advice of my doctors, I have decided to proceed with that surgery now. In car terms (I am ever the car guy after all), my muffler is bad and I’m going to be straight-piped.

Why is this something I think you should know? Because my doctors tell me that I may be out of commission for about a month, when accounting for hospital time and home recovery time. So, you may not get a laptop report from me for awhile. I will also not be in DC voting and attending hearings, and such, during that time either.

But be assured that I will be fine and will be back fighting for you with even more vigor than before once I get through this.

Please join us in praying for a speedy recovery for the Congressman.  Lord knows what earmarking Democrats or for that matter Republicans are up to while he is out of commission!

Oh yes, before including an image of a metallic mylar balloon in this post, we did check to make sure that a "visual images of metallic mylar balloons" ban was not authored and passed by Senator Jack Scott before his departure from th legislature (to wreak havoc on California’s Community Colleges).