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Jon Fleischman

Placer GOP County Chairman Files FPPC Compaint Against Whitman

Acting I am sure in his capacity as a private individual and not as Chairman of the Placer County Central Committee, Tom Hudson today filed a complaint with the Fair Political Practices Commission where, if I can try to summarize the charges in one sentence, Hudson asserts that Whitman, prior to today, has been running (and spending money in support of) a de facto Gubernatorial campaign for which she did not report income or expenditures.  It goes on from there.  Here is Hudson’s press release, and attached are the documents filed with the FPPC.

Needless to say, the timing of the complaint is hardly coincidental.

It will be up to smarter people than me to look into the allegations and sort them out.  I pass this along in the interests of passing along "news" that comes across my e-mail folder.

I will close by saying that it seems like whenever the FPPC acts, it is always way after the fact and a fine is imposed.  Well, unless they want to start issuing fines in language that includes "percentage of net worth" — I’m not sure that Whitman (or Poizner were the tables reversed) really are too worried about the "hammer" of the FPPC.

6 Responses to “Placer GOP County Chairman Files FPPC Compaint Against Whitman”

  1. Says:

    Without taking any position in the Governor’s race, I would only note that Meg Whitman built a very successful business in California. By contrast Tom Hudson has served virtually his entire adult life collecting a government check and is currently employed as an attorney for government tax collectors!

    It’s time for Hudson to get off the government dole and get a real job!

  2. Says:

    On a more serious note, it is totally inappropriate for a candidate for the CRP Board of Directors to be involved in this type of divisive action in a contested Republican primary–regardless of the candidate being attacked.

    Mr. Hudson should withdraw his candidacy for CRP Office immediately. He is not fit to serve on the CRP Board of Directors.

  3. Says:

    This doesn’t sound like the old Chris Jones, who I have so often supported because he was willing to stand for what was right, even when others called him “divisive.”

    Maybe Republican leaders need to get back to doing what is right and stop worrying so much if liberals call them “divisive.”

  4. Says:

    California has changed significantly since I got involved in politics during the days of Reagan and Deukmejian. Latinos and Independent voters are increasing. Unfortunately, our Party has done nothing to adapt to this new political environment–and we’re losing because of it.
    By failing to adjust our strategy, the CRP is behaving like the Polish Army of WWI who insisted on using cavalry against machine guns with disastrous results.

    I believe that Meg Whitman and Steve Poizner offer new ideas, energy and innovation that will benefit the GOP. I also agree with Flash Report Editor Jon Fleischman that competition is good for our Party. Your decision to try and stifle that competition by throwing a stinkbomb at Meg Whitman does a grave disservice to all Republicans.

    Whitman and Poizner are both successful private sector entrepreneurs. It is extremely hypocritical for a government tax collection lawyer like you to label either of then as a “liberal”.

  5. Says:

    Chris, Poland did not have an army in World War One because it was not a country. Get your facts straight! The newsreel footage that you are probably remembering was stock footage that Frank Capra included in the “Why We Fight” series of American films for World War Two. Technically, the so-called Polish cavalry in World War Two was actually a mounted infantry (i.e., they did not fight on horseback, but just used the horses to get reserve troops quickly from one part of the battlefield to another). Like the American cavalry, the Polish cavalry also had armored units. Despite your comments, the so-called Polish cavalry performed very well against the German Army – and they might have changed the course of the war if there were more of them!

    Now as to Meg Whitman, I am stunned that you would defend a candidate who has ignored the campaign finance laws that you, as a paid consultant, have helped so many candidates comply with. Are you just angry at me for being the one to mention that the emperor has no clothes? Or do you really think it is acceptable for some candidates to break the laws that apply to everyone else?

  6. Says:

    You are quibbling about petty details. Personally I’d take machine guns over calvary any day.

    You are running for CRP office. Do you really believe it is appropriate for a CRP officer to be attacking a Republican candidate in a competitive primary for an open statewide office?

    Will your actions help the CRP raise money from Whitman supporters? Or will it simply serve to alienate those donors and put the Party in an even deeper financial hole?

    Throwing bombs against Republican candidates is fine for activists–not for CRP Party Officers. You should withdraw as a candidate for Northern Vice Chair.