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Jon Fleischman

Hardball Politics

I love politics.  Every once in a while you get these "say what?" moments, where you turn your head and actually say to the person next to you, "did you just see that?"

Earlier today, we reported that Tom Hudson had filed a complaint against Meg Whitman with the FPPC (you can see that a couple of blog posts down).

Just off of the transom is the press release below, sent out about an hour ago, announcing that Steve Poizner has endorsed Tom Hudson in his bid for party office.

That’s hardball politics. 


Senator Dave Cox also Joins the Team

Insurance Commissioner and candidate for Governor Steve Poizner has added his full support to the growing campaign for Tom Hudson for Northern Vice Chairman of the California Republican Party.  State Senator Dave Cox has endorsed Hudson as well.

"It is unusual for constitutional officers to get involved in these intra-Party races, but Tom Hudson is not your typical candidate," said Jeff Evans of the California Taxpayer Protection Committee.  "Tom Hudson has attracted strong support from activists and officeholders across the Republican political spectrum because of his record for getting things done.  He will shake things up on the Party Board of Directors and get the Party back on track.  He knows what it takes to win elections and build a Republican majority."

In addition to Poizner and Senator Cox, Hudson has also been endorsed by Northern California Republican leaders like Congressman Tom McClintock, Assemblyman Ted Gaines, Assemblyman Dan Logue, former Assemblyman Rick Keane, Senator Sam Aanestad, former Senator Rico Oller, former Senator Tim Leslie, former Senator Ray Haynes, former Congressman John Doolittle, Board of Equalization member Bill Leonard, Board of Equalization member Michelle Steel, and many others.

#  #  #

* Disclaimer — I have endorsed Tom Hudson for CRP Vice Chairman North myself. 

4 Responses to “Hardball Politics”

  1. Says:

    Smells a lot like “pay for play”. Shame on Hudson for this sleazy maneuver. Commissioner Poizer and Businesswoman Whitman both bring needed energy and excitement to the Republican Party. Hudson’s corrupt behavior has no place in our Party and is totally inappropriate for a candidate for CRP Northern Vice Chair. He should is unfit to serve on the CRP Board and should withdraw his candidacy.

  2. Says:

    Hardball politics? More like bad timing! I endorsed Steve Poizner more than five months ago, but that has nothing to do with the complaint against Meg Whitman and her failure to disclose her campaign funding sources.

  3. Says:

    With all due respect to my longtime friend Chris, I have known Tom Hudson for twenty years. He’s a principled ideologue — not the kind of person who believes in transactional politics.

    He will make an outstanding leader on the California Republican Party’s Board of Directors.

    We just won’t put him in charge of timing on releasing CRP press releases ;)

  4. Says:

    It is fine for Tom Hudson to launch attacks against Republican candidates as an activist–but not as a CRP Officer.

    Will his actions help the CRP to raise money from Whitman supporters? Or will they simply alienate those donors and put our Party in an even deeper financial hole?

    As a Placer County resident, I’ve also observed that, during Tom’s tenure the Placer County GOP has suffered significant political losses at the local level while alienating many local Republican donors.

    Whether our ticket is led by Steve Poizner or Meg Whitman, the CRP needs Board Members who will focus on helping Republicans UNITE and WIN in 2010.

    Tom Hudson should withdraw his candidacy for Northern Vice Chair.