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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Applying Some Sophistication To Budget Deal Voting

It is my hope that Republican legislators will apply the same degree of sophistication to their approach on voting on a Big 5-agreed-upon "deal" that those of us on the outside will use to analyze the proposal and the votes on all of its component parts.

First and foremost, since not all FlashReport readers are intimately aware of how these budget votes tend to take place — it is not one bill, but series of bills all tied together that make the budget "package" deal.  So what happens is that one bill may lay out modifications to state spending, another bill might contain tax increases, and other bills may contain other miscellaneous parts of the package.

Knowing that a deal is carved up this way is important in analyzing who supports the package — because, and this is critical, for ANY PART of the package to be enacted, it ALL must be enacted.  This is the manner in which the Democrats can ensure their any votes they put up for spending CUTS don’t go into effect unless Republicans put up the necessary votes for TAX INCREASES — or visa versa I suppose.

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One Response to “Today’s Commentary: Applying Some Sophistication To Budget Deal Voting”

  1. Says:

    Productive Californians are already practicing tax deferral or legal avoidance. The Arizona side of the Colorado river is thriving with lots of luxury boats, boat motor work, storage facilities etc….no 10% tax on repairs, low vehicle/trailer/boat registration fees,no luxury taxes, etc. etc.