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Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Happy Birthday President Ronald Reagan

Born in 1911, in a small town in Illinois, let’s join and remember our 40th President and what he stood for and meant to our country.  I was in college at the time he ran for President in 1980, a very difficult time with Iran and hostages, the Cold War and the Soviets, and runaway inflation and interest rates.  I remembered the posters up around campus [they actually weren’t torn down back then, especially around the Ag Dept.] of Governor Reagan in the cowboy hat and the optimism in that smile and in his words.  

Indeed, he gave us optimism that we could beat the ‘malaise’ we were suffering from.  Even the USA Olympic hockey team beat the USSR in the Miracle on ice.  That optimism even spilled over into Charlie Daniels hit song at the time "In America"   

"…speaking for you and me, and some people from Tennessee, we got a thing or two to tell you all…"
"…were gonna put her feet back on the path of righteousness, and God Bless America again…"

With the Reagan vision for our country, we were then,

…"walking real proud and talking real loud again, In America, you never did think that it ever would happen again"

We’ll get there.  Thank you Mr. President, and Happy Birthday.

One Response to “Happy Birthday President Ronald Reagan”

  1. Says:

    Happy Birthday to my hero and the true Great Communicator. You are missed.