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Mike Spence

Viable GOP Candidate Emerges in 32nd CD and it’s not me!

IF Hilda Solis is confirmed as Secretary of Labor, a special election will be held to replace her. Conventional wisdom has that no GOP candidate can win. Some local GOP elected officials have even endorsed Judy Chu for that office. State Senator Gil Cedillo is also a big Democratic contender.

While Republican registration is 21%, the 32nd District (West Covina, Covina, Azusa, Baldwin Park, El Monte, Rosemead, Monterey Park and parts of Los Angeles) is more conservative than some areas. It is heavily Latino with a sizeable Asian population. Every city passed Proposition 8 easily.

Some have asked me to run. I am way to busy to have that kind of fun.

I recently met with a candidate that is viable in a special election low turnout scenario.

Teresa Hernandez was born and raised in the district. Teresa own with her husband Cielito Lindo Restaurant (the carnitas are great) in South El Monte home of her husbands Mariachi Sol de Mexico. This is a well known Mariachi group. I have to admit I know more about Metallica than Mariachi, but others more knowledgeable have confirmed it. She is also involved in and educational foundation that provides music education to local schools,

Not a bad resume’. Community involvement like that is hard to find and could be a key factor in a low turnout election.

Teresa survived a Spence like grilling on issues. She is articulate. She understands business issue and what problems face the District.

Now on to money. She has a good sized campaign budget; fundraisers planned and is at 150K of her budget with pledges.

Is this a tough district yes, but she is a great potential candidate.

Teresa had been endorsed by Covina Councilman Walt Allen.

There is at least one more GOP candidate that is a CPA from West Covina that is rumored to have some money to spend in the race. Will keep you posted.

6 Responses to “Viable GOP Candidate Emerges in 32nd CD and it’s not me!”

  1. Says:

    Watch for Rino tendencies….

  2. Says:

    Breaking News….It seems that Hilda’s husband has had tax liens in LA County for awhile now. The committee vote for her confirmation has been delayed now. I feel like such a sucker that I keep paying my taxes.

  3. Says:

    is there any Obama appointment who has paid their taxes?

  4. Says:

    Here we go again. Another Republibcan candidate who has never won an election. Another candidate selected based on last name. Another candidate with the mightly Spence OK’s. Another loser.

  5. Says:

    John Shewmaker your racist rant is puzzling. I know from previous posts you have some sort of fixation on Mr. Spence. However, in this post he never mentions the ethnic backgound of Mrs. Hernandez, yet you do. In a previous post you attacked Mr. Spence and his listing of Republicans who supported Chu. You closed with this line. “A Republican has a small chance of winning, but if you do not try you have a zero chance of winning. Lightning can strike.” Yet you attack a candidate that seems to have much going for her and is “trying”. It’s too bad some resort to attacking the ethnicity of candidates rather than how they can help win a race that lightning can stike in.”

  6. Says:

    My grandmother who was born in Mexico City and my grandfather who was born in Spain would find it amusing your claim about a “racist rant.”

    Based on Spence’s outline of her qualifications, since I make great enchiladas, I must be qualified to run. Additionally, I make fantastic taquitos. I can run for President.

    On a serious note – Spence should give more than a person’s ability to cook and he husbands ability as a musician to proclaim someone is a viable candidate.

    A person with no rational ability to discuss an issue will always play the race card. Next time, don’t base your opinion on my last name.