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New Capitol Weekly/Probolsky Research California Poll finds support for Part-time Legislature

Capitol Weekly and Probolsky Research (my firm) debut our statewide poll today, a poll that is less pedestrian than the other regularly published statewide polls.

The first article on the results highlight support among California voters for a part-time legislature.  John Howard and Anthony York wrote an article about the poll in Capitol Weekly’s Thursday edition.

Another article by Anthony York discusses the difference between our results and results from a Enviro group sponsored poll on the prospect of loosening environmental regulations for new projects in California.

Overall we found that voters are not happy with the direction the state is headed nor the leadership of the governor.

We also identified a more than two-to-one Democratic preference among Decline to State voters over Republicans. 

The actual poll reports can be viewed by visiting Probolsky Research.  There are two results documents, one focusing on the public policy questions and another on election questions.

Surprisingly, former Congressman Tom Campbell leads the GOP Primary race, Whitman is close behind.  Poizer is at a serious disadvantage.  We believe at this point, this early, it is largely a eBay v. Insurance contest and the eBay brand trumps insurance.

Feinstein would win if she ran in a Democratic Primary, Brown is in second place.

One Response to “New Capitol Weekly/Probolsky Research California Poll finds support for Part-time Legislature”

  1. Says:

    A mail order or email legislature would be much better…no more outrageous and abused PER DIEM….and hopefully, no more exotic trips, fine wine and Louis Vutton bags…