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Jon Fleischman

More Support for Fleischman — This time from the O.C. Register’s Steve Greenhut

From the Orange County Register’s Editorial Page Blog:

Fleischman makes sense, the Bee doesn’t


Posted by Steve Greenhut

Jon Fleishman of Flashreport has, in his role as a California GOP vice chairman, offered a resolution for the party’s convention that would censure tax-hiking Republican lawmakers. It’s a good way to keep those who are a bit weak in line with the party’s anti-tax-increase stance. The Sacramento Bee, in an editorial called “Censure resolution makes little sense,” argues that Fleischman is wrong and the “zealous fundamentalism of ‘no new taxes’ actually undermines the GOP’s ability to work on a wider agenda.” We don’t recall the Bee slamming the Democrats “zealous fundamentalism for expanding government and raising taxes,” but beside that, it would be suicide for the GOP to embrace tax hiking. The GOP is a pathetic organization any more, given how readily its members have expanded government at every level, but the tax issue is the only thing the party can agree on. Voters know that at the end of the day the GOP will not raise their taxes. We all know that if taxes went up, spending would go up and that would lead to more demands for higher taxes. You’ve got to hold the line somewhere and the GOP at least is good at doing that on the state level. So good for Jon and shame on the Bee.

Thanks, Steve!