I was looking through some of the clippings for the week this morning and read several Republicans talking about Democrats moving us towards socialism. What is happening might indeed might be considered some degree of movement towards socialism, but the language itself is old hat and has no real meaning to anyone who can’t remember the communist threat – just about everyone under the age of 35, a group that the GOP is having real problems with generally. To some degree I don’t think it really has much emotional value to most people older than that. I thought the same thing when I heard our Presidential ticket saying the same thing or something similar. Communism is in the ash heap of history, and with no threat to the western world from that source it just falls flat, whatever the reality.

January 31st, 2009 at 12:00 am
Another boy scout! Hitler was elected by democratic means….we are rapidly moving toward socialism….with medicare proposed for those 55 and older….almost all children are in some government health program….lots of urban schools report as high as 90% of kids in school eat government provided breakfast and lunch…enviro whacko laws were unheard of 40 years ago…so stop writing such foolishness…it is coming…socialism faster than we all would like!!!! Lets us be careful what we read, hear and discern…specialists in disinformation, a primary tatic of communist country media types can sway you away from reality.
January 31st, 2009 at 12:00 am
How you say it is what is important. Rather than buzz words like socialism use the lose of freedom, individual responsibility, etc. We don’t need to change our message, we need to change the delivery.
January 31st, 2009 at 12:00 am
While I may, and to some degree do, agree with you, you just made my argument. This is exactly the type of rhetoric that literally has no meaning to the growing majority of the population. The reality is not the issue – the language is.
ps – yeah I’m an Eagle Scout… which I think is a great institution of the English speaking world, and I’d hardly consider that institution or its graduates weak.