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Jon Fleischman

Thank You House GOP

Much has and will be written about the massive wealth redistribution scheme that President Obama calls a “stimulus plan” — which it isn't and which it won't.

It is notable and commendable that NOT ONE REPUBLICAN supported this terrible plan, and so it is now 100 percent “owned” by the Democrats.

It is important that Republicans distance themselves from the liberal welfare statist policies of the Democrats. Today our GOPers did good. Thank you!!

4 Responses to “Thank You House GOP”

  1. Says:

    The Democrat fanatics have no shame..none at all….they are licking the boots of Obama and Pelosi begging for tax money generated from North Dakota, Georgia, Texas, Nevada, Washington and a myrid of other states to pay for California’s scandalous wasteful spending… shame..and shame on the Democrats..

  2. Says:

    This is the smartest political strategery that the Republicans in DC have implemented in a LONG time. It’s nice to get back to your roots once in awhile I guess. How much does anyone wanna bet that McCain votes for this stimulus in the Senate? He’s finally free to be John McCain again.

  3. Says:

    I am impressed and happy that the GOP has decided to be the loyal opposition and oppose socialist spending policies… however many of these guys are the same turds who spent the last 8 years spending like Democrats! Maybe there has been a reawakening of conservative principle in the House… maybe.

  4. Says:

    How courageous, the House GOP caucus opposes a big government boondoggle when it knows that it will pass. Call me less than impressed, since they failed when it really counted.