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Assemblyman Nathan Fletcher

Job #1: Let’s help get Californians Back to Work

In case you missed it, there was another reminder of what our state’s top priority should be – putting people back to work.

Today, the California Employment Development Department made a startling announcement—California has lost 166,000 jobs in the last month.  That is the equivalent of the entire population of the City of Escondido losing their jobs in one month.  It brings our state unemployment rate to 9.3%–one of the highest in the nation.

This is real and is affecting people we all know.  My neighbor recently lost his job and last week asked when things are going to get better.  One of my best friends from college is looking for a second job because of cut backs at his current employer.  They want to know what we are going to do to put people back to work.  What are we going to do to help create jobs? 

This is why job creation has to be our top priority in California.   

It’s no secret that California’s budget crisis is severe—but a key to helping solve the budget problem is to create private sector jobs, bring employers back to our state and rejuvenate consumer confidence. 

We will likely invest in infrastructure projects such as our roads, water supply and our schools, but additionally – and more importantly – we need a committed campaign to retain employers in California and provide real incentives for business to hire and invest in our state.  

·     Let’s create economic incentives for employers to hire and expand in California

·     Let’s provide incentives to keep our existing employers in California

·     Let’s consolidate and focus economic development activities on recruiting new businesses to our state (many states are quite affectively attracting our jobs away)

·     Let’s help consumers keep more of their own money and boost consumer confidence

·     Let’s take action to help small business’s and entrepreneurs see our state as the place to be

The economic crisis facing our state and country is real and severe and Californians are feeling the pain.  They want solutions.  They want to know when businesses will start hiring.  They want to hope.  We have the tools to help them, let’s start using them.

4 Responses to “Job #1: Let’s help get Californians Back to Work”

  1. Says:

    Any nit who votes for tax increases in a recession gotta be a socialist attempting to soldify a command economy…..remember the five year plans….you hear talk now of a two year budget cycle…come on….your being set up by these loons to bend over just one more time…

  2. Says:

    Not mentioned is rolling back the State’s present and proposed environmental regulations that attempt to make California the absolute “greenest” place in the world These regulations, along with high taxes are the biggest disincentive for business to expand, stay or locate in California.

    Our elected officials stop trying to out Al Gore Al Gore.

  3. Says:

    Nathan, why in the world did you vote for Maldonado’s primary initiative, thereby making possible his vote for the insane tax increase bill? It makes no sense, unless you actually supported the tax increase.

  4. Says:

    Don, I think you and Jon nailed it. I have a feeling we won’t be seeing Fletcher or Adams blogging on the flash Report any time soon. This is the price Jon has paid for speaking truth to power.