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Jon Fleischman

Guest Commentary – Kevin Roberts: Pimp My Prison

We’re pleased to share this guest commentary from FR Friend Kevin Roberts, the Deputy Communications Director of the California Republican Party:

As paralysis sets in on the state of California and its projected $40 billion budget deficit, Democrats are now pushing for tax increases and cuts to state services for thousands of California families. 

Gas prices are back on the rise. Our neighbors and friends continue to lose their homes, jobs, and savings.  An end does not seem to be in sight. 

All the same, though.  That seems to be the sentiment from the court-appointed prison receiver, Clark J. Kelso, as he ratchets up plans to spend our tax dollars on new prison healthcare facilities.  Kelso, who may or may not be a fan of the MTV program Pimp My Ride, clearly wants to deck out the California prison medical system.

San Francisco Chronicle recently published an extensive article that looked at the draft report from the court appointed receiver, Clark Kelso, who is tasked with overhauling the state’s prison heath care system. 

**There is more – click the link**

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2 Responses to “Guest Commentary – Kevin Roberts: Pimp My Prison”

  1. Says:

    Great article, Kevin. Now the real question we should all be asking ourselves is WHY ISN’T OUR REPUBLICAN GOVERNOR MAKING COMMENTS LIKE THIS?

    Average people, even average Democrats, understand that “therapy kitchens” for prisoners are not a priority for state spending. Even Jerry Brown has gotten that message loud and clear.

    We need our Republican leaders — and appointees — to tell the dictatorial federal judge that they will not approve one dime for this sort of nonsense and they will appeal his orders to the U.S. Supreme Court.

    If the U.S. Constitution means anything at all, it means that federal judges have no power to order therapy kitchens and feng shui gardens in California prisons — or tax increases to pay for them!

  2. Says:

    Where is the artists rendering of the places of rest and respite? It sounds nice. Also, where do I get a brochure and can my travel agent make reservations for me? Is transportation to and from this place also paid for by the taxpayers and would it be in a limousine or just a really nice bus? Finally, will it be near the beach or in the mountains, either would be okay but I would like to know that skis or a snowboard would be provided as appropriate.