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Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Today’s Commentary: New Taxes: Let The People Decide? In A Republic, They Already Have…

With the desire to find compromise in what is now a year-round budget standoff, some of the same old ideas come back to the forefront after all the ‘creative’ ones are shot down.  

The creative approach to go around Republican legislators, Prop 13, [placed into the Constitution in 1978 by voters] and even Prop 218 [voter approved just 12 years ago in 1996] by voting in new taxes [known as new revenue] without a 2/3 vote via some creative [there’s that word again] legal wordsmithing has, thankfully for our economy and the rule of law, been stopped once again.

So another new old compromise idea takes center stage.  "We can’t get the Republicans and the courts to let us trample the law on taxes…lets get the People to decide!"  What the proponents of this approach forget is that the public thinks Sacramento and DC waste too much now and have spoken repeatedly on taxes.   The brothers in the old cereal ads would be right this time as "Mikey hates everything."   Just like term limit extensions…you keep asking, they keep telling you "no".

**There is more – click the link**

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2 Responses to “Today’s Commentary: New Taxes: Let The People Decide? In A Republic, They Already Have…”

  1. Says:

    Here here! You certainly give voice to the citizens who elect our representatives to uphold the body of laws of our Republic, so that we may go about our business of tending to our jobs and our families. Putting taxes to a popular vote for a simple majority to pass, is no different than the end run the Democrats just tried. You certainly expressed all the exasperation I feel at this latest ploy. And thank you for calling on Republicans to see this maneuver for what it is. I know you have battled tirelessly and consistently, and some may feel pressure to cave in, to go alone to get alone, but they would be forgetting who is counting on them to hold the line and not back down. Your detractors call your stand folly. It is not folly. It is for the sake of those who want to stay afloat, to keep their ability to prosper and provide jobs, and to provide for their families and remain solvent. Thank you for fighting for the working families and job producers of the state. Please don’t give us up.

  2. Says:

    Me thinks we need a Propositon protecting the California Producers from the California Moochers…the moochers produce nothing but cause so much friction and angst while the producers are tapped out by their pressing life responsibilites coupled with the punishing economic demands dictated by the uncaring Commissars, Communists, Green Whackos, Socialists, Liberals, Welfare Enablers, bloated Government Workers and Unions trying to make us feel bad…..we need protections….we demand protection now!!!!!

    I will just love to see a RINO take up this cause…..but…no….that will offend someone….we cannot offend lefties….could we???