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Matthew J. Cunningham

Mike Carona Convincted On Witness Tampering, Acquitted On Corruption Charges

Holy mackerel. Former OC Sheriff Mike Carona beat the rap — or almost all of it.

The jury acquitted him of all charges but one: witness tampering. It’s interesting that he escaped conviction on the underlying corruption charges — which was the public focus — but not the charge of trying to influence witness Don Haidl. The latter struck me as one of the weaker counts, and I’ll wager he beats that on appeal.

This is obviously good news for Debbie Carona. It’ll be tough for federal prosecutors to convict her of being part of a conspiracy of which her husband was acquitted.

This is a legal exoneration of Mike Carona, not a moral one. The legality of his conduct notwithstanding, he clearly disgraced the office, manipulated and lied to family and friends, and lived a double life. None of that is illegal, but it is real nonetheless.


There’s an open thread on the topic over at OC Blog, if you want to register your thoughts on the verdict.

2 Responses to “Mike Carona Convincted On Witness Tampering, Acquitted On Corruption Charges”

  1. Says:

    Well said, Matt. A legal victory, not a moral one.

  2. Says:

    I think all sides on this decision are disappointed. The good thing now is that hopefully we can finally move on from this spectacle.