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Jon Fleischman

Gov’s Speech, and the Republican Response

The Governor gave his rather short State of the Union speech today, where he cleverly said that we are in a "state of emergency" — no kidding!

That said, I was annoyed that once again those of us who feel that a crisis created by overspending should be solely resolved by reductions in spending are classified as "ideological" (not that I have trouble being called an ideologue) — but the way he says it portrays ideologues as a negative influence on the public policy process.

What is a ideologue? In my opinion, it is someone who has strong convictions and beliefs, and stands by them, especially when all of the special interests are bearing down upon you.

The Governor had no problem being an anti-tax "ideologue" when he was campaigning for election and re-election. But now that he has drank the public employee union Kool-Aid, about the need to respond to respond to overspending with overtaxing, he feels the need to paint loyal Republicans snidely as ideologues

Some things lend themselves to compromise, and some things do not. Belittling those who feel that compromising on taxes is a tragic mistake is no way to help resolve the overspending-created crisis is just , well, impolite.

Here is a link to the Governor’s speech (they don’t give us code to put it on this site) and the video below is, appropriately, the Republican response to the Governor’s address (LOL)…

2009 State of the State GOP Response from CA Assembly GOP on Vimeo.

One Response to “Gov’s Speech, and the Republican Response”

  1. Says:

    I love it. The Republican leader in the Assembly has to give the true Republican response to the current Republican(in name only) Governor.