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Matt Rexroad

Wealth and Democracy intersects The Immigration Solution

The last two books I’ve read don’t seem to have much in common at first but upon further thought I think they have everything to do with each other.

Over at the Red County Book Club I came across The Immigration Solution by three authors that write different chapters. Amazon then got me started on Kevin Phillips’ Wealth and Democracy.

First of all, some parts of the The Immigration Solution seem a little sensationalized to me. It has some interesting facts but some that I question. Some of the personal stories that are presented to illustrate a point come up short. It is also not as well sourced as I would like. However, the book does deal with the real problem of illegal immigration.

The best part of the book was the second chapter about the different demographics of the people coming to this country today as opposed to… Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Tehama County Republican Dinner

Saturday night in Red Bluff, the annual Party dinner event went very well. We had as our keynote speaker our state Republican Party chairman, Ron Nehring. It was a very successful event thanks to the Tehama Central Committee and the Tehama Republican Women. Attendance was pretty good, everyone seemed to have a good time enjoying some great tri-tip, BBQ’d righton sight, and each others company. We were joined during the evening by our Congressman Wally Herger, several local electeds, and all the candidates seeking to replace mewhen I get tossed from the Assembly this November. It went so well, therewere not even any arrests!* Ron has been very dedicated to getting around to our north state counties as state party chairman to articulate the Party’s goals and stress theimportance of all 58 counties being engaged.

We appreciate Ron’s presence up here in all these small town areas, you know the ones with jus little airstripslike what Earl’s crop duster flies off’n, or with just itty bitty 2 lane roads in ’em…come to think of it we do have that new-fangled I-5 freeway runnin through here…it’s got… Read More

Barry Jantz

Sunday San Diego: It Depends on the Definition of Sanctuary

The San Diego blogs and echo chamber have been alive in recent days over city attorney candidate Brian Maienschein’s mailer declaring that he “will oppose any effort to make San Diego a Sanctuary City” for those illegally in this country. The only catch is that according to the Feds, the City of San Diego is already on the vaunted sanctuary list, meaning that the locals "will generally promote policies that ensure (illegal) aliens will not be turned over to federal authorities." According to several irate bloggers and commenters on Red County San Diego, Maienschein has done nothing to change that status in his two terms as a councilmember.Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Weigand’s Cynicism Deserves a Response

I read arecent post by Sacramento Bee writer Steve Weigand over on the Bee’s Capitol Alert Website (it’s free and FR recommended, but registration is required)… There Steve belittles legislative Republicans for celebrating Tax Freedom Day earlier this week (the day in the year when, for Californians, you have finished earning enough money to pay your combined federal, state and local tax burden for the year if everything earned to now went to pay those taxes and fees). Steve end’s his comments thusly:

Anyway, the Reep lawmakers gathered in the Capitol press conference room to repeat the party mantra: Taxes are bad, Proposition 13 is sacred and Democrats and bureaucrats are to blame for the Golden State not being more golden.

"California has the fourth-highest tax burden in the country," huffed Assemblyman Bob Huff, R-Diamond Bar. "To put it another way, Californians are working for the government one-third of theRead More

Matt Rexroad

Some things just continue to be true

In my fraternity and in the Marine Corps I noticed that the guys that complained the most about hazing when it was happening to them were the ones that did the most hazing when they were in a command position.

Lately, I have noticed this same process in politics with endorsements and campaign contributions.

We hear people talk about recruiting good candidates to run for state and local offices. We hear all kinds of babble about recruiting female candidates that can win. We hear numerous elected officials at every level talk about encouraging good candidates to run but in the end they do almost nothing because it might cause them some discomfort or risk.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Weigand’s Cynicism Deserves a Response

I read arecent post by Sacramento Bee writer Steve Weigand over on the Bee’s Capitol Alert Website (it’s free and FR recommended, but registration is required)… There Steve belittles legislative Republicans for celebrating Tax Freedom Day earlier this week (the day in the year when, for Californians, you have finished earning enough money to pay your combined federal, state and local tax burden for the year if everything earned to now went to pay those taxes and fees). Steve end’s his comments thusly:

Anyway, the Reep lawmakers gathered in the Capitol press conference room to repeat the party mantra: Taxes are bad, Proposition 13 is sacred and Democrats and bureaucrats are to blame for the Golden State not being more golden. "California has the fourth-highest tax burden in the country," huffed Assemblyman Bob Huff, R-Diamond Bar.Read More

Duane Dichiara

The May Day Parade San Diego

As readers might remember, my San Diego office is on the fifth floor on the corner of 5th and Broadway, right in the heart of the downtown. As I was writing mail Thursday I heard a racket below and looked out to find a block long parade moving down the street. At first, I couldn’t figure out what it was all about, but then remembered it was May Day.

The parade took some time to move past my window, so I had some time to observe it directly, and what I saw I didn’t like. Dozens of Mexican flags. Communist flags. Chanting in Spanish. A group of marchers from the terrorist organization MECHA, which advocates the violent overthrow of the United States government in the southwest held up signs calling for "Aztlan". Littering the ground after the parade – copies of the Communist Party of America newspaper. Later I watched the tv coverage where various community college "professors" were quoted attacking our nation’s immigration policy as racially motivated.

"Hair Long" posted video of the event on Red County San Diego that is… Read More

Jon Fleischman

More GOP Candidates Reject Log Cabin Club Endorsement

Sue Horne is locked in a neck and neck primary with Dan Logue in Assembly District 3 — and was caught completely off guard when, unsolicited, she was endorsed by the state’s Gay Republican organization, the Log Cabin Club of California. Similarly, in Assembly District 71, which straddles the Orange/Riverside County boundary, Neil Blais is in a blowout primary with opponent Jeff Miller. Blais, as well, was the subject of an unsolicited "drive by endorsement" by the Log Cabin Republicans. Neither candidate went after the endorsement of the group, and as it turns out, neither candidate wants it.

Below is the text of a letter sent to the Log Cabin Republicans from Sue Horne…

Log Cabin Republicans of California

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