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Jon Fleischman

Governor’s Office Responds

This came in from the Governor’s office in response to my blog post below:

The Governor has said time and again that he is philosophically opposed to tax increases. He hates tax increases. And he has said that a down economy is not a good time to raise taxes. But he never signed an anti-tax pledge because he said that emergency circumstances might require a tax increase.  Every Californian understands that we are currently faced with an emergency: an international financial crisis. And this Governor has responded with a balanced approached to reducing its impact on California – half budget cuts, half revenue increases, and an economic stimulus package to help counteract any negative consequences of those actions. Republican Governors Reagan, Deukmejian, and Wilson raised taxes in economic climates far less severe than what we face today. In addition, with the implementation of the cuts proposed by Governor Schwarzenegger in the special session, he will have limited general fund spending more than any governor in modern history (see 3.2% in chart). These facts are inarguable.

2 Responses to “Governor’s Office Responds”

  1. Says:

    Where do I start? How about with his speech to the CA GOP Convention in 2006. Pay particular attention to around 3:30 to 4:00 minutes in:


  2. Says:

    Here is another great speech by the biggest liar in the state!

    “I will not raise taxes on the people of California.”