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Barry Jantz

Núñez son arrested for murder

Breaking News from the Bee…

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One Response to “Núñez son arrested for murder”

  1. Says:

    Over at Red County SD, someone posted this:

    “Why do you feel the need to politicize this? I realize Nunez isn’t well liked, but come on, no one deserves to go thru this kind of pain.”

    My answer:

    This was breaking news last night. San Diego related, as well. It was going to be all over the news today, AND on Dem-leaning blogs too. Many folks would be interested in such an item before the morning. Other than the Bee, the first to have it was RCSD, Flash and the KStreet Blog. That is sometimes the purpose of a blog, to share relevant, breaking news. For the record, if it were the child of a prominent state Republican, I would do the same. Look at the wording….a statement of fact, not politicized in any way. If your definition of politicization is running with factual, breaking news, you are quite frankly in the wrong place.