Here is a submission from looooongtime FR friend Sean Loranger (hailing back to our YAF days)…REPUBLICAN MESSAGE TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE
By Sean Loranger
Republicans must give Americans a message they can understand, trust and believe in. Those leaders incapable of delivering the message or living up to it should not be allowed to represent the Republican Party.
This message can be delivered utilizing these ten simple statements:
1. More government is not the solution it is the problem.
2. Smaller government and lower taxes help everyone.
3. Free enterprise and open markets power the economy and should not be impeded.
4. International relations should produce security and peace. Those who seek peace should be friends those who would do us harm should suffer our wrath.
5. No foreign aid without a balanced budget.
6. Secure national borders are not negotiable.
7. Criminals should be punished harshly.
8. Liberties guaranteed in the Constitution shall be defended at all times.
9. The Judeo-Christian foundation upon which our country was built should be recognized and respected.
10. Elected leaders must serve with dignity, honor and above all else, honesty. Those who seek power to benefit themselves must not be allowed to represent the Republican Party.
Sean Loranger is a married, father of three who works as Business Development Consultant helping small business owners profitably grow their businesses.