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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Will House GOP “ReAnnoint” Boehner? Status Quo For GOP Appropriators?

So here is the big question for Sunday morning.

House Republicans seem set on re-election John Boehner as some sort of “Permanent Minority Leader” for the long haul, with some sort of concession to conservatives being that former Republican Study Committee Chairman Mike Pence is going to be the new Conference Chairman, the #3 spot in House Leadership.   The question is – if Boehner stays put, meaning that the fundamental structure of House Republicans stays in place, does it even matter that Pence is in Leadership, except maybe at the margins?

Whoever is in leadership – well, it’s rearranging the deck chairs if they aren’t prepared to reign-in the “GOP Cardinals” – the Republicans on the House Appropriations Committee.  Isn’t it time for House Republicans to stop glorifying spending by leaving in place the GOP Lard Team?

**There is more – click the link**

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One Response to “Today’s Commentary: Will House GOP “ReAnnoint” Boehner? Status Quo For GOP Appropriators?”

  1. Says:

    Jon, I think you are spot on… but even deeper than that I really believe we need Congressional term limits (dream on). When we have these guys in there for 30 or 40 years, they think government is the answer to anything that ails us. You look at people like Ted Kennedy, Robert Bird, Ted Stephens, Jerry Lewis… they have been in there for so long they have long ago lost contact with the real world. Congress critters such as these have not done anything productive in life, they have not produced one marketable thing… all they have done in life is figure out how to take other people’s money, and how to spend that money.

    These “lifers” are oblivious to the fact that the greatness of America is in an incredible creative and imaginative free people who dream big dreams, pursue those dreams and have the reasonable expectation of reaping the benefits of dreams realized. Those are the people who work their tails off, putting their whole life into the dream, putting capital at risk… and the “lifer” politicians are twisted and selfish enough to believe the fruit of the dreamer’s labor is all for the benefit of the politician and their precious re-election.

    It really is time to boot out all the deadwood losers, from both parties, and get some people in that do not believe government is the answer, but who believe government is the problem.