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Meredith Turney

McClintock Still Leading in 4th CD

Two days after the election, and the vote counting continues here in the 4th CD. As of today, Tom McClintock is up 709 votes over Charlie Brown. There are still several thousand absentee and provisional ballots to count and it’s going slowly—election officials want to make sure they count accurately. I’ll post more updates on the vote count as the numbers come in…

5 Responses to “McClintock Still Leading in 4th CD”

  1. Says:

    There is Good News also in State Senate District 19 today !

    Ventura County’s 1st “add on” count gave Tony Strickland
    a net gain of +948 over Hannah Beth Jackson.

    That puts Mr. Strickland 840 votes ahead district-wide for
    now in the one remaining close state legislative race.

  2. Says:

    Any late updates on Tony Strickland in Santa Barbara and L.A. counties?

    Good news on McClintock…probably the single most important house race this year.

  3. Says:

    To all conservatives Interested in the Tony Strickland race…..

    There’s GOOD NEWS tonight!

    LA County just updated the count in their portion of the 19th
    state Senate District.

    The result is a NET GAIN of 731 votes for Tony Strickland.

    Strickland led by 3,019 votes in the LA county portion on election
    night (12,919 to 9,900) but now he is 3,750 votes ahead of Hannah
    Beth Jackson there (new total of 14,753 to 11,003).

    Pending the Santa Barbara county update, this now moves GOP
    nominee Tony Strickland to a 1,571 vote lead district-wide.

    Jackson is sure to gain some ground in her home Santa Barbara
    balliwick… but can she make up a net 1,571 votes? Stay Tuned.

  4. Says:

    It looks like Jackson picked up an extra 1,826 votes in Santa Barbara, putting her back in the lead for the moment.

  5. Says:

    Meanwhile, Tom’s lead has expanded to 889 votes. That steady increase seems like a very good sign.