This just in from Jon Coupal, President of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association…HJTA has released its annual Legislative report card based on the votes and/or abstentions on 29 bills introduced in the California Legislature. These bills include proposals which either directly diminish the protections of Propositions 13 or 218, or are “tax like fees” that should require voter approval per Proposition 13. 2008 saw an overall lowering of grades as several bills (including what is now Proposition 1A (High Speed Rail) were passed with bipartisan support despite our strenuous objections. The number of A grades received (28) is the lowest ever. The number of B grades received is our highest ever (14). We’d also like to commend the four legislators who received perfect scores in 2008: Joel Anderson, Ted Gaines, Audra Strickland, & Mimi Walters. Especially on Election Day, it is important to highlight those legislators who look out for the interests of taxpayers. To see the report card, please click here.