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Jon Fleischman

Local Electeds in Rep. Baca’s District Hit Him Where It Hurts

Joe Baca, a Democrat Member of Congress from the Inland Empire has drawn the wrath of citizens and local elected officials from within his district. These days, when you see negative advertisements on television or cable, they are typically either paid for by some Beltway interest, or funding by the campaign of a candidate’s opponent. Not so in this case, where local elected officials have come together to fund the two ads below blasting “Working” Joe Baca.

While it is unlikely that Baca would lose his seat on a Republican year, it is even less likely on a year where the polls are trending away from the GOP. (Thanks to unfair U.S. House Districts, which will NOT be any better if Prop. 11 passes). That said, it must paid Baca terribly to have to look at these ads, and to know that he has created so much ill-will that they are being paid for by in-district citizens.