Last week John McCain started utilizing an aptly descriptive title when referring to Barack Obama: “The Redistributor.” In two words, McCain accomplishes the dual goals of summarizing Obama’s communist plans and ridiculing them. With more and more focus now on Obama’s Marxist view of government (Thank you, Joe the Plumber), it should come as no surprise that the California Teachers Association is pouring money into electing Obama.
Earlier this year the CTA actively lobbied in favor of Senator Alan Lowenthal’s SB 1322, which would have prohibited schools from firing Bill Ayers-type teachers when they indoctrinate students with communist propaganda. By endorsing and campaigning for Barack Obama, the CTA continues their streak of supporting candidates and policies that are distinctly anti-American.
The following mailer is being dropped throughout California by the CTA and it bears an eerie resemblance to the disturbing “Obama kids” YouTube video featuring young children singing the praises of their great leader. Bill Ayres, Barack Obama and the CTA—are these the people we want in charge of our kids’ education?