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Shawn Steel

Bernard Parks and The Unions : a David vs. Goliath story

"The money was already tainted" according to black commentator, Earl Ofari Hutchinson, flatly stating that the 8.5 millions LA government unions are spending, is "buying an election". Not just any election, but a seat to the LA County Board of Supervisors, District 2. 

Former Chief and current councilman Bernard Parks has out raised his opponent union-chattel,  Mark Ridley-Thomas, more than 3 to 1, the old fashion way. Direct contributions of $1000 each. 

But the county unions, which have over 100,000 members are taxing their members by the millions. Actually, those 100,000 members don’t decide who gets the money. About six people make the big decisions. Disgraced and soon to be imprisoned union boss, Tyrone Freeman of SEIU Local 6434, was recently  exposed [ here ] in spending hundreds of thousands of the union money for family members. Plus,  Freedom enjoyed a a $10,000 a year cigar habit at Beverly Hills Grand Havana Club, all paid by his union members. Which is interesting, the average salary for his union members is about $9.00 an hour. I would bet some of the home care nurses would like to have been invited by Boss Freeman to  the lounge. But his union alone was one of the biggest  labor "donors".

It gets better. Outgoing Supervisor Yvonne Burke stated that Freeman brags that he "hand picked" Ridley-Thomas to run for her seat. That deal was probably hatched at the Grand Havana. 

Oddly, according to private polls for both sides the race is razer thin. Ridley-Thomas, with 4 million union money in the primary won 45% of the vote. Parks came in at 40%. But only 20% of residents voted. Reportedly, Parks enjoyed a 8% spread in the black vote, which is about 50% of the district. If that trend holds up, Parks should win, given the tsunami black vote expected for Obama. And, Parks endorsed Obama first. 

Considering that Mayor Villaraigosa received 20% of his funds from Independent Expenditure committees, back in 2005,  LA has come a long way. Now, Ridley-Thomas has raised only 11% himself, the rest from hard working, unrepresented union members. 

"It’s out-and-out buying an election" says liberal Supervisor Gloria Molina. She has always supported the union agenda  with her who 20 year plus career. But she believes the government unions will target her in 2010. According to a labor professor, quoted in the LA Weekly,  " Democrats who say "i am a friend of labor" are not good enough. They [the unions] need warriors." 

Whatever that means.

Meanwhile,  where is the cavalry? 

That includes everyone else except the government unions. Why are the unions spending more money on one Supervisorial seat than for any statewide office, excepting governor.?  Maybe it’s the the county’s solvency. LA has  annual $22.3 billion budget, larger than several states. And you only need 3 votes to control all that money.  Then you can grant wage increases, raise pensions to historic highs that would shame the city of Vallejo and maybe have shorter hours, and special leave time. Anything you want, until you run out of money.

The business community, the chambers, manufacturers, developers, capitalists, professionals who should worry if they want LA county ransacked, are slumbering. Excepting the diligent work of David Fleming and the New Majority, business is hiding in gopher holes. This election is a once in  20 year landmark. Whoever wins on Tuesday, will sure have the seat until 2020, with  term limits.

So far, the good guys have raised 1.5 million about 18% of Big Labor’s largesse.  Considering the fantastic wealth form the West side, why can’t those rich Hollywood Moguls  coupled with the suburban dwelling business execs pony up to keep the barbarians at bay? For a pro business black guy?

Parks might have good luck on election day, due to his years fighting crime, fighting waste and fraud and carries a solid reputation. Ridley-Thomas comes from the paranoid, hate everyone crowd. MRT’s career began with his jihad against Korean business owners following the riots, then opposed Latinos who demanded access and is hostile to any Caucasian who crosses him.

Ridley-Thomas represents LA’s worst side. Parks ought to be our future.

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