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Barry Jantz

Using Tolerance to Promote Tolerance

No, this isn’t about Gandhi.  But you have to admit, the following reader comments posted today to Chris Reed’s America’s Finest Blog entry on Prop 8, are about as hilariously "ironical" as you’ll find….

Jenny (excerpted): "I’m a liberal democrat, and support Prop 8. I’ve supported gay rights since I was a teenager, but over the past few years, I’ve had my eyes opened to the cold hard facts that the gay activists are more interested in grinding an axe against the religious, than any kind of equality. Today for example, reading comments to an article online, I read comments by gays waging the no on prop 8 battle online, shrilly excusing the attack against a man who was only handing out lawn signs outside of a church, by a gay man who tried to steal the signs. The comments included that the religious don’t have rights, that they should get over it, and accept the fact that they would be challenged now at every turn and subject to derision.

"Those were the words of a person who is pickled in hatred, and a obsessive desire to persecute the religious. Not the words of an activist for civil rights, but a despot looking to trample the rights of others. I’d never expect a gay or lesbian to conform to a heterosexual norm, so why do so many of them demand that heterosexuals, especially religious heterosexuals, have to conform to theirs? Are they that blind to their own hypocrisy? Can’t they understand that the religious have every right to protect their children, and raise them in their faith?

"So please understand that there are many of us who refuse to ignore what is little more than fascism, and a corruption of the gay rights movement."

Captain Freedom: "Jenny, you are a disgusting human being and you should be DAMNED ASHAMED OF YOURSELF! How dare you take out Prop 8 on gay people. Gays want equality, no more, no less. And here you are accusing gays of having an axe to grind when the Religious Right pulled this amendment out from the carpet!

"How DARE you call yourself a liberal. People like you disgust me to death. To compare gays getting rights to FASCISM when they are having their rights potentially taken away by a constitutional amendment and forced upon them by a majority shows you are an extremely stupid and shallow thinking human being.

"So F**K you! You’re not a liberal or a Democrat. YOU’RE THE FASCIST!"

So there.  Methinks Captain Freedom may have made Jenny’s point with his "tolerant" response.

I’ll place that one in the "I’m a complete pacifist, and if you don’t agree, I’ll cut off your head with a rusty saw!" file.