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Meredith Turney

Prop 8 Sign Thieves Arrested in Placer County

If it hasn’t already happened to you, you probably know several people who have had their Yes on Proposition 8 signs stolen right out of their front yard. Although McCain/Palin and other Republican signs have been defaced and stolen, the Yes on Proposition 8 signs are being targeted in particular. In fact, the vandalism and theft of the “tolerant” No on Proposition 8 side has escalated to such a level that now cars and homes are being vandalized.  There are so many reports of violence and vandalism that police can’t even keep up. And even with so many politically-motivated crimes taking place, the media have been rather quiet in covering the extent of these attacks.

In my Roseville neighborhood, just as quickly as Yes on Proposition 8 signs are posted, they are defaced or stolen. Thankfully, the local police have been great about responding to the thefts and last night they finally arrested three individuals caught in the act of stealing signs. The thieves’ car contained 53 stolen Yes on Proposition 8 signs.

Sadly, the three suspects were all teenagers. Most of the No on Proposition 8 protesters and activists I’ve encountered are high school or college age. When opposition to Proposition 8 declares that there is no agenda to teach about same-sex marriage in our schools or promote anti-traditional family ideas in the classroom, all one has to do is look at the fine job they’ve already done with their young teenage activists.

There is hope, though.  At a Proposition 8 town hall meeting last week in Placer County, several of the college students protesting engaged Proposition 8 supporters and it seemed several of them walked away questioning the indoctrination they’d been force-fed in school.  Proposition 8 is about more than just saving marriage—it’s about protecting freedom of speech and thought in our public schools. Maybe that’s why opponents are engaging in dirty politics to beat it.

One Response to “Prop 8 Sign Thieves Arrested in Placer County”

  1. Says:

    Okay! Okay! So we just had our 4th Prop 8 sign stolen today and I finally am done putting that sign in my yard. But I’m doing one better. My front window is just as if not more visible to the street as my front lawn so I used the poster feature on my printer to print the logo out between 4 sheets and I placed that in my front window. Those retards will not silence me!