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Barry Jantz

Sunday San Diego: City Attorney Dust-Up Now Officially Fun

Incumbent Democrat City Attorney Mike Aguirre is on the ropes in perhaps the highest profile local election contest San Diegans have seen in years.  Challenger Jan Goldsmith is receiving support from many diverse interests and groups, including the local GOP, all of them with one common goal:  The insanity of Aguirre must end.  Here’s the latest from the Lincoln Club of San Diego:

LCSD County Launches “Spike Mike” Website & Made-for-TV Video

San Diego, CA – October 21, 2008   The Lincoln Club of San Diego County announced today the launch of a website intended to highlight the host of reasons why voters in San Diego ought to oust incumbent City Attorney Mike Aguirre from office on November 4th.

The website, entitled, features a brand new 30-second, made-for-TV video on its homepage that encourages the viewer to “go with your instincts . . . spike Mike” on Election Day.

Also included within the website are links to various news articles from throughout Aguirre’s tenure – many, ironically, resulting from Aguirre’s own self-promoting press conferences – which expound upon the poor management, political agenda, shoddy lawyering, legal investigations, and personal vendettas that have plagued the San Diego City Attorney’s office the past four years.

Between now and Election Day, the Lincoln Club will promote the “Spike Mike” website – and video – via the Internet, direct mail and broadcast email campaigns to thousands of registered voters in the City of San Diego.

“The Lincoln Club appreciates Mr. Aguirre’s repeated acknowledgement of our support for his opponent, Judge Jan Goldsmith,” added Lincoln Club Executive Director T.J. Zane, referring to several of Aguirre’s debate appearances.  “Let there be no question about it: we are resolved to returning a reasoned, pragmatic approach to problem solving in the San Diego City Attorney’s office.  Judge Goldsmith will enforce the law responsibly and without political theatre.”


The effort was announced Tuesday, the same day Goldsmith’s first TV ad started airing.  The ad is appropriately called “Squirrels.”  Watch it here on youtube.

In other related activity, the "anonymous" Vito Andolini has been seemingly taunting Aguirre on Red County San Diego, posting photos of Mike while campaigning. As the blogger notes, there’s nothing rare about a photo of a candidate, but says that Aguirre visits the site “several times a day to see if anything is being written about him.  He can’t stand it.”  See it here.

Also, the Union-Trib’s Matt Hall does a thorough recap of the race this morning.

As for the article’s reference to Aguirre linking himself to Obama, here is Chris Reed’s take on the “Obama-Aguirre support,” posted a couple of days ago in America’s Finest Blog:

All those newly registered young Democrats probably will vote the party line. But they won’t be able to tell from their ballot that Mike is a Dem and Jan Goldsmith is a GOPer — no party ID is given for nonpartisan offices. So unless they follow local politics and aren’t just Obama enthusiasts, they won’t know to vote for Mike. 

Sorry, Mike. 

OK, not really.

Gee whiz Chris, ouch.  

Ok, not really. 

Everyone have a great week!


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