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Matthew J. Cunningham

Sign Stealing

Opponents of Proposition 8 have been fancying themselves to be the proponents of tolerance.

Unless, of course, you happen to disagree with them by supporting Prop. 8.

That’s what marriage supporters have been learning when they put out "Yes on 88" yard signs.

There is an aggressive and almost certainly organized effort to steal or deface Yes on 8 signs. Sign-stealing is an inescapable aspect of political campaigns, but I don’t recall ever seeing it on the scale or brazeness mounted by Proposition 8 opponents.

A blogger for — and Prop. 8 opponent himself — documented an incident he witnessed first-hand of high school students stealing signs right in front of the Prop. 8 supporters trying to guard them.

last week, five people were arrested in Fullerton for stealing Yes on 8 signs. They told police they were "angry."