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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Guest Commentary – Charles Gallagher on Prop. 4

There are a host of initiatives on the November ballot.  I would submit that there is none that is more important than Proposition 4, which would require parental notification before a minor could obtain an abortion.  As we move into the final home stretch, I am pleased to offer this guest commentary from the Campaign Manager for Prop. 4, Charles Gallagher…

by Charles Gallagher

Prop 4 is ahead in the polls.  The undecided vote is large enough that if we win 1 out of every 3 undecided voter, Prop 4 wins.  Our focus is to communicate and reach out to those undecideds.   Turnout will be higher amongst undecideds than in either 2005 or 2006 (when a similar measure appeared on the ballot) because of the presidential election.  Our GOTV efforts become critical in the homestretch.  Now is not the time to let up and make no mistake, Prop 4 is under attack by a well-funded smear-outfit.  Planned Parenthood is spending $5 million on false attack ads for the next 12 days to eliminate the gains we have made in the polls. If you have not contributed financially, please do so today (click here) so we can get our message out.

Opinion makers throughout California that have read the initiative state that it is the best crafted out of the three (Prop 73 & Prop 85) to appear on the ballot.  Prop 4’s balanced approach that protects the privacy of the teenage girl and safeguards health and safety has attracted pro-choice suburban voters.  The emancipated minor provision and judicial waiver provision are viewed as reasonable and mainstream.  UC Irvine Law School Dean Erwin Chemerinsky believes that opponents would have a hard time challenging Prop 4 in the courts once passed.    

**There is more – click the link**

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One Response to “Today’s Commentary: Guest Commentary – Charles Gallagher on Prop. 4”

  1. Says:

    I disagree with prop 4 since people under 18 should have the same rights to privacy as adults. Minors should be able to choose their own paths when it comes to their bodies. I think that prop 4 could cause dangerous situations.