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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Vote Yes on Prop. 11 – Custom Made For GOP Gain

As we approach the general election, I have to tell you that no vote that one of the most important votes that any conservative in this state can cast is a vote in support of Proposition 11.

By passing Proposition 11, Californians will be making it possible to add more conservatives to the legislature than ever before.  That’s right – despite all of the rhetoric of misguided Prop. 11 supporters, who somehow believe that this measure will end partisanship in Sacramento – it will not.  But what it will do is add more Republicans into the mix, giving us more votes to stop spending increases, tax increases and the growth in government that we have seen at the hands of the liberal Democrats who control the institution. 

Ironically, a trip to the Yes on 11 website allows you to peruse quotes from officials of groups like the AARP, the NAACP, the League of Women Voters and others – all advocating a vote for 11 to end “gridlock” in Sacramento.  Let me say two things – the first is that gridlock is a good thing, if it is preventing higher taxes and massive increases in state spending.  Second, and more important, Proposition 11 will bring more partisan gridlock, because it will bring more partisan Republicans to Sacramento.  It will once and for all put the permanent brakes on the overspending in Sacramento that has taken us straight into financial chaos.

**There is more – click the link**

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2 Responses to “Today’s Commentary: Vote Yes on Prop. 11 – Custom Made For GOP Gain”

  1. Says:

    Great! A Proposition to bring us more loser “moderates” lurking in tatty 1950’s style country clubs….

    Don’t get your hopes up folks…we have to fend off SOCIALISM first anyway we can….we need tough buggers to knock the assualt on your culture, values and treasure!!!


  2. Says:

    I think it is a good idea. Sacramento is out of control. I think that moderates are important to the system and values have no place in politics.