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Jon Fleischman

$500 Reward Offered by State GOP for info on Sign Stealers

You have to ask yourself what kind of LOSERS go out and steal campaign signs. Stealing signs is not only LAME, it is also a violation of law, and an infringement of the First Amendment rights of others. Well, the California Republican Party is offering a $500 reward for information leading to the arrest and prosecution of the LOSERS who you can see sign-stealing in this video…  (Can you help finding the culprits?  If so let me know.

2 Responses to “$500 Reward Offered by State GOP for info on Sign Stealers”

  1. Says:

    I witnessed a woman steal a yes on 8 sign from an intersection in oxnard california. I wrote down her license plate.

  2. Says:

    Contact me at if you are interested in hearing more.