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Jon Fleischman

Monday Miscellany

Have you registered to vote?  TODAY is the last day for you to register to vote for this year’s Presidential election.  So if you haven’t done so, yet, then mosey on over to the post office and pick up a voter registration form…  Of course, registering to vote is only ½ of your commitment.  You also have to actually cast your ballot – we recommend that you also pick up an absentee ballot application as well, and vote from the convenience of your own home!  Of course, we also urge you to vote for candidates who promote smaller government, individual liberty and individual responsibility.

I’ve heard this measure referred to as “human rights for chickens” as this measure, financed by the Humane Society of America, seeks to improve “living conditions” for chickens.  OK, maybe I am the only one that is willing to ask this question – but it must be asked.  If the Humane Society wanted to “save the chickens” – why wouldn’t they put a measure on the ballot making it against the law to kill a chicken, or break a chicken egg?  The reality here, folks, is that under the best case scenario, all of these chickens have only futures ahead of them – a lifetime of laying eggs, or the butcher block as the birds are killed so that we can all eat our favorite chicken dish.  Once you step back and look at the absurdity of worrying about the living conditions for all of the chickens on death row, you can absorb how much more your chicken fajitas will cost with the massive expenses involved with conforming to the terms in this – fowl – measure.

On occasion, I get people writing in asking why we don’t offer more coverage of national news stories on FR.  Especially with this being a Presidential election year.  The answer is actually pretty simple – we are a news and views site focused on California state politics, and the politics of the political subdivisions (counties, cities, etc.) within the Golden State.  While we do highlight an occasional national news story or link to a column or editorial that is a bit beyond our scope, we try to stay true to our core mission here at the FR.  So when we cover national stories, it is usually because there is a nexus to California politics (a column from a California figure, a national story about California or a California politico).  We also usually feature links to national news stories of interest as covered in our California newspapers.  For example, we usually feature a run-down of headlines on the Presidential races from the CA dailies.  Mainly because it is important to read California news in context.  Hopefully this makes sense!

**There is more – click the link**

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One Response to “Monday Miscellany”

  1. Says:

    “Survey USA” just published new statewide results for Prop. 8 on their website today.
    Interviews with 615 likely voters show the measure LEADING… 48% to 45%. Here is
    the link to the full report:

    Also encouraging is that Survey USA slightly over-sampled Democrats in this poll
    (48% Demo, 33 GOP) while the last statewide voter registration figure from the
    California Secretary of State was 44% Demo, to 32% GOP.

    The poll shows Republicans backing Proposition 8 by 73% to 23%, and Democrats
    opposng it 58% to 33%.