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Matthew J. Cunningham

The Forces of Tolerance Sure Can Be Intolerant

Opponents of Proposition 8 like to style themselves sunny defenders of tolerance heroically facing down the dark forces of bigotry and intolerance. "Hate" is a word they are especially fond of throwing at Prop. 8 supporters. But they’re liberals, so it’s OK for them.

You can read about all that anti-Prop. 8 tolerance and love in action in this Modesto Bee article:

In a violent display of intolerance, an opponent of Proposition 8 attacked and seriously injured a man who was volunteering on Sunday for the initiative to define marriage as between and a man and a woman.

Prop. 8 supporter, Jose Nunez, 37, was brutally assaulted while waiting to distribute yard signs to other supporters of the initiative after church services at the St. Stanislaus Parish in Modesto.

The assailant grabbed about 75 signs and yelled at Nunez accusingly, "What do you have against gays!" Although Nunez replied that he had nothing against gays, he was attacked anyway. The assailant punched Nunez in the left eye and ran off with the signs.

Nunez, his eye dripping with blood, walked into a building on church grounds where a fellow parishioner called 911. Police and paramedics responded to the scene.

Nunez, who suffered a bloody eye, serious wounds to his face, and a scratch to his knee, was rushed by ambulance to a local hospital where he received 16 stitches under his eye.

I guess the assailant need an outlet for all that love and tolerance, and Jose Nunez’s face was available.

Here’s Mr. Nunez (in the sunglasses and tan jacket) handing out signs with his brother Knights of Columbus shortly before he was attacked:

jose nunez at church.jpg

Here’s Mr. Nunez, after he was stitched up the repair the damage left by having a big can of love and tolerance opened up on him:

jose nunez after attack.jpg

One of Mr. Nunez’s daughters was helping him with the signs at church. I’m sure she really enjoyed having her father beaten by an emissary of love and tolerance. Now, remind me again which side of the campaign is about "bashing" and "hate"?

The OC Register has a story today on the sign wars going on, with yard signs being taken on both sides, although I’ve no doubt the bulk of the sign rage is coming from the anti-Prop. 8 crowd:

"Seriously, thank God that they are taking it out the signs and not out on each other," Petracca said. "You could make the argument that at least that, while wrong and perhaps criminal, it’s preferable to have people taking out their anxiety on signs and not on each other physically."

Tell that to the guy who attacked Mr. Nunez.