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Matt Rexroad

Legal but wrong

When I served as the Mayor of Woodland I attempted to get an ordinance passed that would have prevented "public education" campaigns with city funds for any issue pending on the ballot during the sixty days prior to the election.  I could not even get a second for my motion.

What happens is that a government entity really wants a bond, parcel tax or other revenue increase to pass a vote of the electorate.  In an attempt to "educate" the electorate they send out mail, e-mails, do forums or other things to tell the electorate all the good things that will happen if the measure passes.

I think this is wrong.  It is legal but wrong.  All of these efforts don’t directly advocate for the passage or defeat of the measure — they just provide information. 

Today I got an e-mail from the High Speed Rail Commission.  Here is the link so you can get all the good information too.  It does not advocate for the passage of Prop 1A or even mention it but it certainly tells me all the good things that come with high speed rail.

As we are now within three weeks of the election it seems odd that this may be the only communication that has ever come my way from the High Speed Rail Commission.  The timing alone appears to be election related even if the content is not.

It may be legal but it is a misuse of taxpayer dollars to communicate with voter about an issue that is currently pending on the ballot.  Let the voters decide this issue free of government interference.