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Barry Jantz

IE Update: AD 78 Leading the Way

The FPPC’s general take on IE spending, with McCann vs. Block in the 78th pegged as the barn burner it was anticipated to be, and "Opportunity PAC" leading the way in spending hard-earned union dues……

Special Interest Spending Tops $2.4 Million in Ten Races
Independent Expenditures balloon to over $100 million

With three weeks to go until the November election, the Fair Political
Practices Commission today released information showing that special
interests have already spent more than $2.4 million on general election
“independent expenditures” in ten contested legislative districts.
This is in addition to the nearly $12 million spent on “independent
expenditures” benefiting legislative candidates in the June primary

As of today, the greatest “independent expenditure” activity for
the general election has been in the 78th Assembly District in San Diego
County where IE spending totals $519,509. The 15th Assembly District
in Contra Costa County is second with IE spending totaling $452,736.
The most IE spending in the Senate has been in the 19th Senate District
in Santa Barbara/Ventura Counties with a total of $358,024.

To provide greater disclosure to the voting public, the FPPC provides
information on daily spending by “independent expenditure” groups on
its website at

“The amount of ‘independent expenditure’ dollars spent so far
brings the total of IE spending since contribution limits went into
effect on January 1, 2001 to well over $100 million,” commented Ross
Johnson, Chairman of the Fair Political Practices Commission. “It is
our goal to provide as much disclosure as possible to allow the public
to track IE spending.”

The “independent expenditure” committee that raised the most money
is Opportunity PAC – A Coalition of Educators, Health Care Givers,
Faculty Members and Other School Employees-totaling $1.8 million.
Contributions into Opportunity PAC were made by California State Council
of Service Employees SCC $700,000; Political Action for Classified
Employees of California Schools $400,000; Faculty for Our University’s
Future SCC $350,000; Service Employees International Union Local 1000
CSEA $250,000; and California Federation of Teachers COPE $100,000. In
the FPPC’s report, “Independent Expenditures: The Giant Gorilla in
Campaign Finance,” published earlier this year, Opportunity PAC was
ranked as number 11 of the top 25 committees making “independent
expenditures” over the last three election cycles.

For additional information please see the Commission’s website at

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