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Jon Fleischman

An Evening Spent With Hundreds Honoring Senator Jim Battin…

If anyone has any doubt about whether Vegas-style Casino gambling is thriving here in California, just take a trip as a I did last night to the Agua Calliente Casino and Hotel on Bob Hope Drive in Rancho Mirage.  It is a beautiful facility, and based on the capacity crowd jammed into their casino, the dip in the economy isn’t hurting them a bit.  Maybe everyone who is pulling their money out of the stock market is “investing” in blackjack, roulette or in some of the thousands of slot machines that sang in harmony as Assemblyman-Elect Jeff Miller and I avoided the whole gambling scene (a statement of self- acknowledgment of our lack of gambling skills) and made our way to a large ballroom at the back of the resort where Jeff and I joined a few hundred other people for an evening tribute honoring the retirement of one of California’s most effective and respected Republican legislators (who also happens to be a blogger for this website).

State Senator Jim Battin has been one heck of a great legislator, and last night Jim, surrounded by his family, was the guest of honor as a huge dinner banquet that both honored his service to the people of California as an Assemblyman and as a Senator, but also raised thousands of dollars for Shelter for the Storm, a local charity that helps the victims of domestic violence (the photo is of Battin with a volunteer from the Shelter).

I really don’t have the column-space to make a long list of the VIPs that gathered for this wonderful evening – suffice it to say that there were federal, state, county and local officials, leaders in the civic and business communities, and just a ton of appreciative people.  It was impressive.  Jeff and I had the good fortune to sit with Assemblyman (and soon to be State Senator) John Benoit and his wife Sheryl, Melissa Garcia (the daughter of retiring Assemblywoman Bonnie Garcia) and the entire Gary Jeandron family (Jeandron, as FR readers know, is locked in a battle to succeed Garcia in the 80th Assembly District). 

After dinner, the program started with an absolutely amazing twenty-minute tribute video to the Senator put together by his staff (a well-deserved hat-tip to Battin’s Chief of Staff Kim Glassman who quarterbacked the entire event, including the video).  The video was professionally filmed and had testimonials from friends of Battin that varied from retired Senate President John Burton and retired Senate GOP Leader Jim Brulte, to appreciative staff members and kinds words from leaders of many charitable organizations in the community, of whom the Senator has been supportive.

Three speakers came up to share their thoughts with us about the retiring Senator.  First was Assemblywoman Bonnie Garcia, who spoke as an alumni of Battin’s  staff, and shared about how great of a boss he was, and how he really cared about his extended (staff) family.  Then Senate Republican Leader Dave Cogdill came forward and he talked about Jim’s character, and his true love for the job of being a legislator.  Finally, Congresswoman Mary Bono Mack praised the Senator, and highlighted his years of service.  She made light of the political relationship that the two had, which has at times been adversarial, but shared with all in attendance that she has long considered Battin to be a good friend.  She delivered the “money line” of the evening when she said that Battin would, “…make a great Member of Congress…  a long, long time from now.” 

Finally Senator Battin himself took to the podium to thank those in attendance for being there.  He made a lot of observations about his time in the legislature, and while the GOP legislator is known for his cunning sense of humor, last night he shelved that in favor of flat out sincerity as he made it clear that he truly recognized what a privilege it had been to serve in public office.  While he thanked everyone for being an important part of that experience, he saved his most heartfelt praise for his staff members (almost all of whom were there) and, of course, for his wife Mary, and their children.  Jim noted that he took the time to add up all of the days that he was in Sacramento since his first election to the Assembly and it added up to four years of aggregate away-time from his family.  Truly a sacrifice made by Jim and his loved ones.  Jim noted that he has seen six previous classes of termed-out legislators leave office, and that the reactions of those members when it happens varies – some are angry, some are sad.  Jim was curious how it would impact him, and he shared with us that he actually was happy about it.  That he was ready to spend more time with his family (he commented that he wasn’t sure if they were ready for that, but he is), and to moving on to new adventures.   Needless to say, Batting received a lengthy and meaningful standing ovation from the crowd when he was done – well deserved I will add.

Soon to be Assemblyman Brian Nestande, and his wife, Gina, were attendees at the event, and Brian commented that this was a fitting tribute for someone who had dedicated so much of his life to public service.

On the drive back to Corona, and then to Orange County, from the Coachella Valley, Jeff and I talked about what a wonderful evening it was, and how Battin’s role as a Republican leader in Sacramento would be missed.  But we also both agreed that greater and bigger opportunities and challenges are ahead for Battin in the years ahead.

Jim, congratulations on your tribute, and for surviving all of those years on the front lines, fighting an endless battle against those that would attack the liberty and freedom of Californians in their quest to grow the size and scope of government!

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