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Barry Jantz

Sunday San Diego: A Potpourri of Endorsements

The San Diego Republican Voter Guide…

See the piece here.

Lincoln Club of San Diego…

View the lists and a video.

San Diego County Taxpayers Association…

Take a look at the local ballot measure positions.

U-T: 52nd Congressional…

In the 52nd district, a rare open seat, Republican Duncan D. Hunter displays a far better grasp of the issues than Democrat Mike Lumpkin. Given the choices on the ballot, Hunter deserves election to the seat held by his retiring father.

Read it and the other congressional endorsements here.

UT: San Diego City Attorney…

We vigorously endorse Goldsmith today – with none of the reservations that shaped our recommendation of Aguirre four years ago. Rather, we are entirely confident that Goldsmith, a former state legislator, will be a tough and independent watchdog as city attorney. Mayor Jerry Sanders and the City Council will be able to count on sound legal guidance from Goldsmith, but they certainly won’t always hear what they want to hear … Unlike Aguirre, Goldsmith recognizes that the role of city attorney is not to usurp the policy-making authority of the mayor and City Council. Indeed, Aguirre’s persistent attempts to dictate his own policies to the mayor and City Council are one of the key reasons he has been such a failure.

Read the entire editorial.

U-T: San Diego City Council…

Philip Thalheimer is committed to Sanders’ reform drive, which now centers on outsourcing of such city functions as landscape maintenance, and on continuing to restrain escalating pension costs. His challenger, Sherri Lightner, opposed Sanders’ sweeping financial reform plan on the June ballot, as well as his outsourcing plans.

April Boling has a long history of fighting for reform. As chair of the Pension Reform Committee, she authored a comprehensive overhaul of the city’s troubled retirement system. Her opponent, acerbic former TV personality Marti Emerald, asserts that “San Diego is one of the most undertaxed major cities in the country.”

Read all the city council endorsements here.

Have a great week!