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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Senator McCain – It’s Time to make a “Strategic Withdrawal” of your “Economic Resurgence” Plan

I am going to go out on a limb here.  I’m willing to wager that there isn’t one member of the Editorial Board of the Wall Street Journal that wants Senator Barack Obama to be President of the United States.  In fact, this group of uber-informed intellectuals understands all too well exactly how detrimental the economic policies that would be passed by the Reid/Pelosi-led Congress and signed by a President Obama would be for America. 

So you have to ask yourself this question.  How could Senator John McCain possibly do anything that would cause these folks to pen a column critical of McCain in any way this close to the election.  Frankly, if you are John McCain, given the alternative of Obama, you should be able to expect some pretty favorable coverage on the opinion pages of the Journal.  In fact, you would have to dream up some sort of absolutely outrageous policy proposal that flies in the face if free markets and individual liberty and responsibility – and takes us down a path that one would expect from Barack Obama.

Yet, today’s lead editorial in the Wall Street Journal in fact is critical of Senator John McCain’s latest proposal, introduced in the Presidential debate on Tuesday night, to have the federal government use taxpayer dollars to “rescue” homeowners around the country who, by and large, made poor personal financial decisions concerning home mortgages, and are now facing tough times.  Specifically McCain offers up some $300,000,000,000 (yeah three hundred BILLION) in taxpayer dollars as a “gift” to these folks facing the long end of house payments they cannot afford.  I know, I know – this sounds like a policy that should come from an Obama or a Clinton.  Don’t ask me where McCain came up with it, or why he proposed it – I don’t know, and he didn’t ask me about it before proposing it.

**There is more – click the link**

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2 Responses to “Today’s Commentary: Senator McCain – It’s Time to make a “Strategic Withdrawal” of your “Economic Resurgence” Plan”

  1. Says:

    When to try to get a long you become a loser “moderate”. Sorry Flash Report the truth hurts the “moderates” and the whacko liberals who are ruining the country socially, morally and politically….as for now…every man for himmself…it is free fall time in RED UTOPIA.

  2. Says:

    Willie Brown used to say that Republicans would find a way to screw up a one-car funeral…