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Jon Fleischman

California GOP Group Funds Hard Hit on Democrat Udall in Colorado

Yes, you read the title correctly. The Lincoln Club of Orange County, California, continues to be a leader nationally. One of the hottest U.S. Senate races in the Country is taking place in Colorado, where liberal Democrat Congressman Mark Udall is in a battle with conservative former Congressman Mark Schaeffer.

The Club for Growth’s political action arm (cleverly called "") has made a new ad buy in Colorado, blasting Udall for his support of eminent domain abuse. You can see the ad below. The Orange County Lincoln Club is a major sponsor of this advertising buy, sending $75,000 to enhance the buy on cable stations throughout Colorado.

“The Lincoln Club fiercely opposes eminent domain abuse and has always fought for the protection of private property rights,” said Lincoln Club President Richard K. Wagner. “By supporting Club for Growth.Net’s expanded ad buy, more Coloradans will learn the truth about Mark Udall’s anti-property rights record and how they can help the cause of property rights.”