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Barry Jantz

Recall Petition Fails to Include Guv’s Response: DOH!

I thought it was Politics 101 that a recall petition has to include a rebuttal from the targeted elected official before it can be circulated.  And, that any decent consultant knows that.  Or, any real player.  I guess the California Republican Assembly was right to take a "watch" approach on whether to join the effort, as a way to see how the guards do in the initial stages.

Some advice to the guards:  Seek advice.

Prison Guard’s Recall Petition Rejected By Secretary Of State

Sacramento, CA
– The California Secretary of State’s Office today rejected the prison guard’s recall petition because of the union’s failure to include Gov. Schwarzenegger’s response to their recall effort on the petition violates California law.

“The prison guard union leadership’s irresponsible attempt to manipulate the system was rejected once again today – this time by the Secretary of State’s Office,” said Adam Mendelsohn, senior political advisor to Gov. Schwarzenegger. “The union leadership’s refusal to comply with the most basic requirements of the law proves yet again that their recall attempt is all about politics and has nothing to do with policy. This is simply about one union using tactics of political intimidation to get a pay raise.”

In a letter to Mike Jimenez, President of the prison guards union, the Secretary of State’s Office told the union that their recall petition failed to meet the legal requirements under Elections Code section 11041(a)(3) which requires “the petition to include the answer of the officer sought to the recalled.” The Governor filed this response, in accordance with the law on September 17, 2008. However the union’s petition that was submitted to the Secretary of State on September 29, 2008 did not include this response despite their legal obligation to do so.

The full text of the Governor’s response to this recall effort is below:

This recall petition is special interest politics at its worst. It’s not about the people of California; it’s an intimidation tactic by the prison guards union to force Governor Schwarzenegger into giving them a bigger contract. The bosses want the same sweetheart deal Governor Davis gave them after $3 million in campaign contributions. When Governor Schwarzenegger ran for office he said if special interests tried to push him around he would push back.
The Los Angeles Times said this union "is fooling no one.” The Sacramento Bee called it a "self-serving grab for power and money." The San Diego Union-Tribune says it’s a "bullying tactic." The San Jose Mercury News calls this an attempt to "pressure" the Governor to "give away the store like his predecessor."
Even Democrat lawmaker Jackie Speier said this union has "a lock on the Legislature. … They telegraph loud and clear: ‘If you cross us, we’ll take you out.’"
It’s offensive that one special interest is using a recall to get more money. California faces a financial crisis and this union’s leadership wants $1.3 billion more from taxpayers. Governor Schwarzenegger refuses to be intimidated and will do what’s best for California, not a special interest.