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A Crew of Mostly B and C Rate Actors Say Vote

The Creative Coalition a non profit based in NYC but rooted in Hollywood that basically lobbies for actors to be able to say F*#K on television has launched a campaign with lots of mid-level talent telling Americans they should vote.

I have been a fan of the Creative Coalition ever since my buddy Devin Dwyer (who is now running for Huntington Beach City Council) got me into one of their super-hip events at the 2000 GOP Convention in New York.  They actually fight for First Amendments rights and arts advocacy.  Their events which raise money for their cause feature everyone from big-time movie talent like Leonardo DiCaprio to your standard mobster character actor like Robert Davi who you would totally know if you saw a photo of him.

In addition to people you sorta know the video features A-listers like Samuel Jackson.

Its a respectable effort, non-partisan.