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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Governor, isn’t it about time to show Kennedy the door?

Well, it’s Monday and it is entirely possible that Governor Schwarzenegger’s Chief of Staff, Susan Kennedy, is telecommuting via a video-conferencing set-up from her Marin County home.  Must be nice.  Hard to believe it, but it’s that time of year again.  Time for the FlashReport annual “rant” about Susan Kennedy and call for the Governor to dump her and hire a Republican Chief of Staff.

It’s now been over two years since Governor Schwarzenegger passed up millions of Republicans in California to appoint Kennedy, a Democrat as his Chief of Staff (actually, it’s been 2 years and 31 days according to the still-operating count-up clock on the ultimately ineffective website). 

Susan Kennedy is a former Executive Director of the California Democratic Party (ironically she worked for then-CDP Chairman Phil Angelides).  She was Communications Director for Senator Dianne Feinstein.  She was (you can’t make this stuff up) Deputy Chief of Staff and Cabinet Secretary to disgraced and recalled ex-Governor Gray Davis , served as Executive Director of the California Abortion Rights Action League, .  After all, in the time that she was tapped by Arnold, she has watched state government grow by billions of dollars, ushered the Governor to a one-man jihad against global warming, and seen to it that Schwarzenegger has appointed Democrats to the bench in staggering numbers, and worked diligently to place a vast number of liberal operatives (many of them fellow Davis Administration alums) into positions within the Schwarzenegger Administration — I could go on, but I think I have made the point.

**There is more – click the link**

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4 Responses to “Today’s Commentary: Governor, isn’t it about time to show Kennedy the door?”

  1. Says:

    This shows how out of touch this publication is with the real people of California. We are more moderate and open to ideas than what the FR puts out as real ideas. Susan should stay and the Gov. should be the real example of the Republican Party. At least he tells it like it is!!!

  2. Says:

    Your an urban pet and do not know it… sold out to “moderates” who through bipartisanship have sold us out to higher taxes, more regulations and massive expansive of moocher and government worker classes in California…

    I guess removing money from the equation is the only way to battle these “classes” coupled with your powerful vote at the ballot box.

    Get rid of all moderates….they are the problem….they would have run halfway up the hill at San Juan…..pathetic.

  3. Says:

    I agree, there are many liberal and centrist registered Republicans that would love to serve as the CoS to the governor. Its not likely he will hire a conservative Republican to be his CoS, but I bet he could do better than Susan.

  4. Says:

    The problem is not Susan Kennedy; the problem is Arnold Schwarzenegger. He needs to be recalled before it is too late for California.