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Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

My Sunday Rant From Fresno

Federal Government – BROKE.  California – BROKE.  County Governments – BROKE.  City Governments – BROKE.  School Districts – BROKE.

There is the scorecard.  And this is just what we know about government budgets and balance sheets.  The unfunded pension, welfare and health care liabilities aren’t even known to most citizens or elected officials.  They don’t even think about it.  Many of them don’t have the intellectual capacity to even understand it.

We, as taxpayers, have provided record – let me repeat – record high levels of revenue to all levels of government – and it has been squandered.  How do I define squandered?  My definition is simple – there has not been an improvement in government services remotely commensurate with the increase in spending – thus, government has pillaged the taxpayer.  And the taxpayer is helpless.  Most of us have just thrown up our hands.  The Pirates have taken over the ship.

The solution favored by a slight majority of the country is to elect someone to the Presidency who is without any peer in utter lack of experience.  Obama has led nobody, run nothing, and has absolutely no new ideas.  In fact, the old ideas he has will just accelerate death spiral we are in financially.  He is first of all a creation of Republican ineptitude in dealing with the nation’s finances.  We failed to fix the cost drivers at the federal level and then tried to buy votes with more spending and it of course did not work.  His greatest asset – he reads a TelePrompter well.

Members of Congress and State Legislatures have insulated themselves from competition through idiotically skewed Districts.  Monopolies produce inefficiencies and failure, and the ultimate monopoly is government.  In California, Proposition 11 might remedy this, but will it pass?  Have Californian’s had enough?  Probably not.

All of what government does is more expensive than the private sector.  Its employees are now better paid, have better benefits, and richer retirement plans than their private sector peers.  And they like it.  They’ve banded together to form unions that fund and select candidates to keep the train going – and their power is in their ability to defeat any attempt to roll back or reform the system.

So every undertaking of government costs more and more and there is not a system in place to slow it down.  Thus, either government borrows more or taxes more and neither is an effective option for the future, or for us that work very hard to employ people and make a buck or two. 

This is a gloom and doom rant, but its accurate.  The only real strategy we center – right small government conservatives have now is to step up and challenge Republican incumbents who have served longer than 10 years, and challenge them in primary contests.  Democrats don’t need to do the same because they love the high spending and expensive programs.  In fact, the measure of success on their side is simply how much we spend (unless we spend on defending the country or on law enforcement – they hate that), not on results.  

Changing things is going to require smart, courageous and successful leaders to sacrifice for their country, state or local government and step up to the plate and run for office.  We all know that there are people outside of government that can do the job, but we’ve got to find them and convince them of the gravity of the situation.  They’ve got to be unafraid and have the courage to take fire from the left.  We need male and female Sarah Palin type candidates.

The liberals are marching in lock step.  They never give up.  Its an admirable quality about them – as misguided as they are.  Armed with only the ability to attack the successful in our society to fund past, current and future failures, they have no compunction about destroying the producers in order to fund the takers.

If we don’t step up and fight we will be on our last legs soon – with dire consequences ahead.  November may or may not buy us more time.  Whether it does or not, it will be no substitute for the housecleaning that needs to take place in 2010.  Let’s make it happen.

4 Responses to “My Sunday Rant From Fresno”

  1. Says:

    Watch for “moderate” Republicans take a big dive this election in Congress….this garbage about bipartisanship McCain pushes is getting him despised as one with an appearance of false convictions….he had his chance with the 700 billion package to nowhere…..he loved it…bipartisan…..loved it.

    You don’t win elections without clear conviction. At least the Bolsheviks rally to Obama for he tells you like it will be….higher taxes and more for the moochers of the WORLD.

    Sorry “moderates” you Rockfeller experiments on us ain’t working….go back to your Monte Cristos and Old Fashioneds….while we eat CAKE!

  2. Says:

    Mike is being brutally honest. The failed government social spending programs are about to come crashing down from their own weight. Simply put, they are not sustainable.

    Real men and real women need to fight together for a dismantling of massive government social programs before everything collapses around us.

  3. Says:

    Amazing post Mike. I really don’t have anything else to add. Let’s find credible challengers in June 2010 for all our GOP Congressman who are part of the problem. That would encompass most of them in CA. For starters, I would take the names of all those who voted for the recent $700 billion bailout and start the battle preparations today.

  4. Says:

    Seeing George Radanovich’s “yes” vote for the 440-page, $700 billion bailout is a big disappointment and brings us full circle to where we began in 1994 with the “Contract with America.” We cleaned house in 1994. We’ll do it again in 2010.