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Meredith Turney

Today’s Commentary: Americans for Prosperity Holds Budget Forum as Legislature Passes State Budget

It looks like California finally has a budget. This year’s budget drama may have set a record for the most protracted negotiations in state history, but none of the parties involved are necessarily happy with the outcome. Governor Schwarzenegger swept into power with promises to rein in Sacramento’s out-of-control spending. However, even the Governator hasn’t seen any more success than his predecessor in this area.

Responding to government’s continuing tax-and-spend addiction, Americans for Prosperity has been quite vocal and visible this year in its campaign to ensure taxpayers are protected. A few hours after the budget deal was announced, AFP held a budget forum to discuss this year’s budget and tactics for improving negotiations (i.e., protecting taxpayers) in the future.

Surrounded by the beautiful views in the Capitol View Room of the Hyatt Regency Hotel, dozens of capitol staff, policy makers, and AFP supporters assembled to asses the budget process and contemplate the future.

Moderating the forum was AFP’s California Chairman Peter Foy, also a Ventura County Supervisor, who introduced the distinguished panel of experienced experts: John Coupal, President of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, Jason Clemens of Pacific Research Institute, and Deborah Gonzalez from Assembly Republican Leader Mike Villines’ office.

**There is more – click the link**

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One Response to “Today’s Commentary: Americans for Prosperity Holds Budget Forum as Legislature Passes State Budget”

  1. Says:

    Well Meredith it sure is good to finally have a balanced budget with budget reforms. Because of that I am sure we will never see budget wrangling like this again… and certainly, because of this balanced budget, we will have balanced budgets for years to come!