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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Assembly Joel Anderson’s Big Bucks Event — Impressive!

My longtime friend (going back to college days), Assemblyman Joel Anderson, pulled off an event that San Diego hasn’t witnessed in over a decade.  Last, Saturday night he packed a ballroom at the Town and Country (the site of CRP conventions of olde) with an eclectic collection of San Diego ‘s most influential business leaders and grassroots activists — and raised a boatload of political donations.  I’ve been wanting to tell FR readers about it all week, but trying to cover the state budget gyrations has been time-consuming…

The event attracted a capacity crowd of 350 for dinner and another 110 to the "Host reception" beforehand. 

Scattered about the room were the event’s sponsors, representatives from Northrop Grumman, RA Capital Advisers, Barona Band of Mission Indians, Intuit, CH2MHill, Sycuan, Geico, Hamann Companies, Associated Builders & Contractors, and many others.  The event also drew a star-studded cast of East County ‘s most influential grassroots activists, a revealing glimpse of Anderson ‘s deep connections inside his district.

**There is more – click the link**

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One Response to “Today’s Commentary: Assembly Joel Anderson’s Big Bucks Event — Impressive!”

  1. Says:

    What was even more impressive was that about a third (my ‘guesstimate’) of the attendees and sponsors were ‘new’ and not just the same folks over again. Joel’s ability to bring in new supporters to the cause is how we move the ball forward and raise the resources needed for victory. That was my biggest take away from the event.