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Barry Jantz

K Street: Biden Out?

Before Fleischman e-towel slaps me for this entry not being "California enough," it is coming from a CA-based consultant, so I’m goin’ with it.

Either Jennifer Kerns at K Street Communications’ blog is putting herself out there on this one, quoting an anonymous "high-placed DNC insider," or — if she is somehow correct — no one will soon forget….

The Street is hearing from a source this morning that a high-placed DNC insider has confirmed that Vice Presidential pick Joe Biden will step down from the Democratic ticket. The report is that on or about October 5, Biden will excuse himself from the ticket, citing "health problems," and he will be replaced by Hillary Clinton.

This follows weeks of a post-Palin bounce following the RNC Convention, and significant increase in female support for McCain. The above is expected to occur after the Vice Presidential debate on October 2.  Hard to believe this could happen, as it is nearly impossible to remove a candidate after he’s been nominated — unless they are deceased or dying — but this Election Season is just crazy enough that it could happen.

Keep your eye here for updates…

3 Responses to “K Street: Biden Out?”

  1. Says:

    This is frought with legal problems. California counties started printing ballots a week ago Monday. I think it is just bunk.

  2. Says:

    You are most likely right. Ballots, a convention done, etc. But, Jennifer can defend her info if she is so inclined. In the meantime, it sure is fun to think about, however.

  3. Says:

    More folks send irate emails than are willing to post comments, apparently. “Just more blogporn for the faithful to gawk at,” one respondent says. Blogporn…ha ha! My email in-box suggests I shouldn’t have even given it any credence by posting. I’ll remember that next time I think something is funny!